Spring Drizzles

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Linda Fuller, co-owner of La Terra Natural Oils and a certified holistic health coach, extols the bounty of spring with these oil-and-vinegar combinations.

1. California Lime Olive Oil & Rosato Balsamic Vinegar  

This blend is amazing as a drizzle on salads, fresh vegetables and even fresh fruit. The pairing has a clean, citrusy vibe with the lightly sweet taste of rose wine and the gentle tang of vinegar.

2. Tuscan Herb Olive Oil & 25 STAR Balsamic Vinegar  

This blend is perfect for everything from fruit drizzle to salad dressing to bread dipping. The traditional mix of oregano, rosemary and basil olive oil blend with the not-too-sweet 25 STAR pure, aged white balsamic vinegar makes for a perfect “everything” mix.

3. Citrus Habanero Olive Oil & White Coconut Balsamic Vinegar  

This blend has Savannah seafood lovers talking! The sweet taste of the white coconut tickles the taste buds just before the citrus habanero heat kicks in. This blend enhances the deliciousness of our local seafood, but is also amazing on a salad topped with shrimp or as a dipping sauce for fresh fruits or veggies.

4. Meyer Lemon infused Olive Oil & Black Walnut Balsamic Vinegar  

This is a newer blend to our shop, and our customers love it. Our Meyer lemon oil delivers the fresh-squeezed taste of a Meyer lemon with the amazing, nutty taste of the black walnut balsamic vinegar; it’s a match made in heaven. This pairing is so good that salad lovers, ice cream lovers, fruit lovers and veggie lovers have been making this the perfect finish to their favorite dish.

Photo by Jason B. James

The skinny on oil and vinegar

– Balsamic vinegar is a low-sodium food, which is great for blood pressure and heart health. 

– Substituting high-fat, high-cholesterol dressings with balsamic vinegar can improve heart health because unwanted fats don’t get deposited in blood vessels.  

– Balsamic vinegar was used in ancient times to relieve pain all over the body. People suffering from headaches and migraines have found relief by taking a spoonful of balsamic vinegar. 

– Balsamic vinegar stimulates healthy digestion. 

– Extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat. When used in place of saturated fats, these fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing risk of heart attack.

– Extra virgin olive oil contains powerful disease-fighting and anti-inflammatory nutrients. 

– Eating the right kind of healthy fat in moderate amounts actually keeps the body from making too much insulin; this results in more stable blood sugar levels and healthier weight. 

– Olive oil, like other healthy fats, is good for brain health, particularly memory and focus.