Deep Thoughts at Revival Fest

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The beloved Revival Fest returned to Savannah in all its hoedown glory on Saturday, with 11 bands and hundreds of fans gathering at the Georgia State Railroad Museum for one heck of a good time. Between sets, we caught up with several of the bands with one goal in mind: to ask them questions they’ve never before been asked.


Sweet Thunder Strolling Band

Savannah magazine: If your band were a dish served in a high school cafeteria, what would it be?

Sweet Thunder Strolling Band: Sloppy Joes with a side of fruit cocktail.


Cale Tyson

SM: If you had to play for something besides money, what would it be?

Cale Tyson: Fame. Obviously fame, there’s already no money.


Blackfoot Gypsies

SM: If your band name were a product, what would you be selling?

Blackfoot Gypsies: High-quality truck stop souvenirs.


Hardy and the Hardknocks

SM: If your band were a tattoo, what would it look like?

Hardy and the Hardknocks: An empty beer can laying on its side with liquid spilling out. It’s a metaphor on optimism. Is the beer gone, or is it salvageable?


Ranky Tanky

SM: If you had to stay together as a group, but couldn’t play music, what occupation would you choose?

Ranky Tanky: We would all be flight attendants on the same crew.


Big Sam, Big Sam’s Funky Nation

SM: If you had to write a song about your day so far, what would the first line be?

Big Sam’s Funky Nation: Woke up in New Orleans, making my way on home.